Here is the analysis of the movie Hindi Medium
Hindi Medium total adds to 40 i.e basic number 4 which is just a
fine number in numerology, and the movie is going to release on 19.5.2017 which adds to 25 i.e basic number 7, and 7 is neutral with number 4.
Star Cast of Hindi Medium
Irrfan Khan, whose date of birth 7.1.1967 that adds to 31 destiny number 4 and the movie’s name number is 4. 4and 4 number are friendly number. So this movie is going to be good for Irrfan Khan.
Saba Qamar whose date of birth is 5.4.1984 that adds to 31 destiny number 4 and the movie’s name number is 4. 4 and 4 are friendly number. So this movie is going to be good for Saba Qamar.
Conclusion- So its clear that Hindi Medium movie will be Super- Hit at box office.