Tarot Symbols
Dark cloaked with bowed head and shoulders hunched. He stands with his back to us, his body totally collapsed in on him.
His black cloak-grief, sadness and despair. He is focused on the past.
The Red Pool- Urine or blood.
Green Pool- Earth-loss of stability or possibly something of a tangible, physical nature. Heart Chakra-Green colour. Heart is now empty.
Two cups suggesting that all is not lost. He is unaware of the standing two cups these cups may also offer a chance to heal, or family support, friends or help.
Bridge- Current streams of events and his emotions, moving from a place of grief or regret on to another phase of life. It leads from the past (lost) to the future (new beginnings)
He is also not aware of the bridge.
Castle- Security and protection. He may be run from his castle, he may be now regret it, may be the castle is like a prison.
One shoe is black and another is different colour it shows that he is confused.