Seven of Pentacles-Getting Results After Hard Work, Profit, Vision, Investment, Focus, Rewards.
Working very hard and have put much efforts into an area of your life. Success is there but with a hard work. He is worried that he may lose all has invested on a physical and material level.
Grapes- Fertility and Abundance.
Hoe- Deals with work(What we sow shall we reap).
Mountains- Triumph, Challenges (Consider the heights to which we are climbing)
The Man is worried about his crops it may be destroyed.
Resting his hands on the hoe he relaxes his body and takes in the fruit of his Labour.
You have put the efforts and hardwork in the past and here you are today, well set-up.
It tells you to step back from what you have achieved and take stock of what to do with it and your life. You may need to simplify your life now and work only on those areas that from experience, yield positive result.