
Do not you think it is concerning!!

Yes and your concern gets end here with the numerology. Lets clear it now,

Covid-19’s total is 40 which’s first number is 4 as the first number of Rahu(4).

Referring to this context, Corona Virus’s total is 43 which constitutes 7, the number of Ketu(7).

Here, why I am talking about Rahu and ketu because they too are considered to be the diseases planet which is caused by infection or virus.

Let’s take it more deeply, as you already know now that Covid-19 which’s total is 4 as of Rahu where Rahu is a gloomy dark shadow planet which strikes to mental, physical and immunity of individual in various ways.

In addition to, Rahu always causes hidden diseases which is not detected at early stages and take longer time to get cured.

In numerology, corona virus total is 7. In relation to this,ketu is mysterious and prominent for isolation as we all are living in isolation. Moreover, if you have fear of corona virus then due to this, your immunity will get weak.

Here, we are going to talk about those few states which are affected badly by this very much.

(Note; As year number 2020 is 4.)

  • PM Modi’s best state Gujarat which’s total is 18 do not match with the year number 4.
  • Arvind Kejriwal’ State Delhi’s total is 18 which makes 9 also do not match with the year number 4.
  • Film City Mumbai also having total of 18 which makes 9 and do not match with the year number 4.
  • Interestingly, Madhya Pradesh total is 44 which makes 8 and also do not match with the year number 4.

As per my prediction, things are bad for couple of weeks and may calm soon but that does not mean that the situation would not be normal where these would be first escalate and then eventually come down.

One more problem is that people are lacking knowledge about Corona virus so that it will take some time to recover from this virus but the fear of corona virus would also disturb people’s mind.

Surprisingly, if you see that our earth is healing and we came to know the truth that there has been misuse of planet and it’s resources. Due to this situation, the Earth would heal itself and bring back it’s original form.

Now, the question is when this will get end?

According to my tarot prediction, it will be start reducing its effect from June where there will be less cases.

I would suggest you some remedies;

  •  Be positive and have positive outlook
  •  Keep you and your surroundings hygiene and wash hands regularly.
  •  Feed the poor and animals and raise humanity.
  •  Spend quality time with your family.

The Corona Virus is going to end soon as Rahu and Ketu’s effct will be broken soon.


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