Numerology Analysis of Movie Banjo

Here is the analysis of the movie Banjo Banjo total adds to 16 i.e basic number 7 which is just an average number in numerology, and the movie is going to release...

Numerology Analysis of Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi Numerology Prediction   Born on 17.9.1950   With number 8 and 5   Combination of Saturn and Mercury. The combination of Saturn and Mercury makes him strong and fair.   In His Name   Narendra Modi  25      ...

Numerology Analysis of Movie Pink

Here is the analysis of the movie Pink Pink total adds to 16 i.e basic number 7 which is just a fine number in numerology, and the movie is going to release...

Zero Number In Numerology

The number zero is the subtle gift of the Hindus of antiquity to mankind. The concept itself was one of the most significant inventions in the ascent of Man for the...

Lucky Colors,Deities and Lucky Days In Numerology

                Today I will tell you about Deities,Favorable Colors and Good days in Numerology. Number 1 Sun The Radical Number of a Native Born on 1st,10th,19th and 28th Deity:- Lord Sun Favorable Colors:-Orange,Yellow,Copper and Gold. Good Days:-...

Numerology Analysis of Movie Akira

Here is the Numerology analysis of the movie Akira Akira total adds to no. 7 which is just an average number in numerology, and the movie is going to release on 2.9.2016...

Solar Eclipse and Numerology

Tomorrow is Solar Eclipse Numerology Date:-1-9-2016 Total:-1 Basic Number :- 1 Combination of Sun and Sun Tomorrow you will face some boldness. You like to be forthright in your expression. You will expect loyalty from you subordinates.You...

Numerology Analysis of Pulkit Samrat

Pulkit Samrat Numerology Prediction   Born on 29.12.1983   With number 2 and 8   In His Name   Pulkit Samrat 24        15   39 is for his full name :- 39:- This is a neutral number so this...

Numerology Analysis of Arvind Kejriwal

Arvind Kejriwal Numerology Prediction Born on 16.8.1968 With number 7 and 3 In His Name Arvind Kejriwal 19         21 40 is for his full name :- 40:- This is a neutral number so...

Numerology Analysis of Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt Numerology Prediction Born on 18 December 1963 With number 9 and 4 In His Name Brad Pitt 9       17 26 is for his full name :- 26- This is an inauspicious number...
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Numerology Analysis

Numerology Analysis of Manohar Parrikar

Numerology Analysis MANOHAR PARRIKAR Born on 13th Dec 1955 With number 4 and 9 Combination of Rahu and Mars :- The combination of Rahu and Mars is neutral. In...

Numerology Of Celebrities

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